Our thoughts & feelings - individually & collectively are energies.
It is only a matter of how we use it .
Energy can be measured scientifically & we all think that we are separate from the electric impulse running down that wire to turn on your lights.
But we are not different - we are the same - it just can't be seen but it can definitely be felt & whether you believe it or not does not matter - in the sense that it - people have different descriptions - different courses - different perceptions - but the bottom line is that it is energy.
If you are stuck or sad or discouraged... then there is a little bend in your wire & it is not a case of fixing that wire but appreciating that it has shown itself to you - that it has illuminated a new and wonderful thought & with it comes a new wire.
People are so scared to feel their emotions.
Scared to say I love you - scare to sit with their thoughts - scared to move out of their comfort zone - scared to reach for something more.
Life is not meant for that -
Life asks you to expand - to embrace change - embrace the beautiful you that you came here to be...
Feel your emotions - connect with them - share them...
Share your gifts - your talents - your BEINGNESS....
It is my goal to help you do that with these talks, with inspirational writings from Eli that I share...
With my mediumship proving there is life after what we call death.
It is not fun living in the dark, in the mundane, in the shadows & in that - just repeating the same old thing day after day.
I know you think it is too hard - too much work - takes too much time - takes too long...
But what if I told you that, that voice that you hear, that you keep listening too, is just your pattern.
It is just that bent wire- that has been allowed to be on repeat.
But then you say -
Well it must be hard to make a new wire- I will have to do all these things.
And { sorry to say} Yes.. you do have to do some things... But not every... thing... just 1 or 2 things to start..
And in doing so- you will see everything start to change.... because you are creating a new wire..!
So ... are you ready to change one thing.. have a different perspective in one area... walk your path a little more firmly...
check out my other offerings on my site...